Thursday, January 28, 2010

Advance St. Louis on April 6!

Caption: High-speed rail announcement press conference
on January 28, 2010 at the Greyhound bus terminal.

On April 6, 2010, St. Louis County will get the opportunity to advance the region by passing a one-half of one percent sales tax to restore, operate, and expand MetroLink, MetroBus, disabled and senior public transportation.

This opportunity to support our public transportation has come at an important moment. The region will be receiving a high speed rail connection to Chicago and upgrades will be made to the Kansas City connections. We need Metro service to be restored and enhanced to allow for a seamless and efficient connection to the new high speed rail. We won't have high speed rail tomorrow but today is the day to start building the foundation to put St. Louis in the position to reclaim it's Gateway crown.

At the press conference this afternoon, Ed Montgomery, the White House Executive Director for Auto Communities and Workers, stressed that a high speed rail system will help get cars off the road, reduce oil dependence and emissions, create jobs, and revolutionize our transportation system.

So why does Trailnet care about light rail and high speed rail? Plain and simple, they support walking and biking as viable modes of transportation. Without viable regional and cross-state public transportation systems, it is nearly impossible to break the car habit. In addition to public transit, we also need good street-scale urban design (sidewalks, mixed-use districts, crosswalks, etc.) and community-scale urban design (neighborhoods that connect to one-another and to mixed-use centers) to create a walkable / bikeable region.

Our transportation system is inextricably linked to our competitiveness in the region and our quality of life. A strong Metro system will provide vital transportation options that give residents more choices to get around while providing opportunities for physical activity, improving air quality, and more community connections. A strong Metro system can also save us money--read Nini Harris' Post-Dispatch commentary on public transit and cost savings.

What can you do to get Prop A--Advance St. Louis passed on April 6? There will be lots of volunteer opportunities in the next couple of weeks but for starters you can donate to the campaign and help make phone calls at the SEIU Dialer Center. Information below. The contact is Kim Cella at Citizens for Modern Transit.

The SEIU Dialer Center
5585 Pershing Ave Suite 130
St. Louis, MO 63112
(Just a block from the Forest Park Metrolink Station)

Tuesdays 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Thursdays 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Saturdays 10:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Sundays 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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