Friday, May 30, 2008

Restaurant Grease Highly Coveted!

Caption: Spent fryer grease (R) is refined into biofuel (L)

With gas prices at record highs, peaking above $4.00 / gallon, people are eager for less expensive alternatives. Necessity is the mother of invention, right?

In the last few months, necessity has helped transform spent deep fat fryer grease from a waste product that business owners had to pay to dispose of into a coveted commodity that is being used as biodiesel to fuel vehicles.

Read the full story HERE or here:

Healthy & Active Communities!
Walkable / Bikeable communities allow residents to be far less dependent on their cars, save money, build sense of community, support a vibrant local economy, and improve the health of residents from cradle to cane. Necessity IS the mother of invention. Fortunately, we don't have to invent good community planning, we just need to practice principles of community design that were critical before cheap oil allowed us to build cities and regions that sprawl out unnecessarily.

In the upcoming posts, we'll focus on some steps that municipalities and regions can take to ensure walkable / bikeable community design. A couple of our past posts have also touched on this topic:

Improving Street Design Standards: Click HERE

Planning for Multi-Modal Transportation:
Click HERE

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