Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Stimulus Package -- A Letter to Elected Officials

Caption: I don't know about you, but nothing stimulates me like a couple of eggs my way.
photo by "The Joy of the Mundane" on Flickr

Everyone is talking about the federal stimulus package because:
1. Everyone wants it to work
2. Everyone wants a piece of it
3. Everyone thinks they're a darn economist

In my own special way, I'm guilty of all three. So, I decided to write a short letter to my elected officials to express my desire to see part of the infrastructure investment in the stimulus bill be dedicated to high-quality community infrastructure that is designed around people -- specifically, non-motorized infrastructure that supports pedestrians, bikers, and mass transit.

I encourage you to do the same. Write your federal and state elected officials and urge them to invest in American communities and local economies.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits or the vision of a transportation system designed around Americans, please visit Transportation For America online:

Dear Elected Official,

I want to urge you to work with your colleagues to dedicate a portion of the transportation funding in the stimulus package to non-motorized transportation infrastructure and public transportation.

I want to assure you that this investment will support and strengthen the American economy. The US Department of Defense estimates that approximately 30% of Americans over the age of 16 do not drive. Yet, as a country, we dedicate a disproportionate amount of our transportation dollars to create infrastructure for vehicular travel.

Difficult economic times tend to hit working class Americans the hardest, many of whom depend on non-motorized transportation to get to and from work.
For decades, our country has invested the majority of our transportation dollars into infrastructure that has facilitated disinvestment from American main streets, fueled urban sprawl, contributed to environmental degradation, and led to deplorable health outcomes, most notably the obesity epidemic.

By dedicating a portion of the stimulus transportation dollars to non-motorized transportation, you will be directly creating jobs to design and build this infrastructure; you will be investing in American main streets; you will be investing in vibrant communities with strong social bonds--the fabric and strength of our country; and you will be supporting the long-term economic viability of the 30% of working-age Americans who do not have access to a car.

I urge your support for an American transportation system that is built around people, communities and stable local economies, instead of around unstable big box economies.


Phil Valko

photo by "The Joy of the Mundane" on Flickr

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